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Warning: In the case of ADELIA programs, these SQL instructions are only compatible with the Adelia/400 RPG generator.


This category contains the following instructions:


When an entity is used by one of these instructions, all its logical properties are automatically included in the data environment, and can then be used in the program in the same way as any global variable.


After any of these instructions have been run (with the exception of the CURSOR declaration instruction), it is possible to test the SQL return code using the *SQLCODE reserved word.


Possible return code values:


Execution completed successfully.


The end of a cursor was reached (READ_NX_SQL_C) or no line was selected (CHAIN_SQL, UPD_SQL, DELETE_SQL).

Any other value

Errors during execution.


For exact details of the causes of errors whose return codes are negative, consult your database manager documentation.



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