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Adelia conditions are specified using the *COND( ... ) parameter.


This condition is used to select records. The syntax for the condition is very similar to the Adelia condition for the IF instruction.


The following logical operators can be used: =, <=, >=, >, <, <>, CONTAINS, START_WITH, BETWEEN.


The AND and OR linking operators can be used, but the NOT operator cannot be used.


You can use a semicolon ( ; ) to separate values that are to be compared using the = and <> operators.


When using conditions, you must clearly distinguish what corresponds to a column in the SQL table, and what corresponds to a selection value:

  • A column is represented by the guide word for the logical property (in an entity involved with the request). It is always found to the left of any logical operators, but can also be found to the right of the comparison operators =, <=, >=, >, <, <>, generally in cases where an SQL join is made between more than one entity.

  • Selection values can be either constants or host variables. They are only found to the right of any logical operators.
    When a host variable is used in a condition, the variable's guide word must be preceded by a colon " : ".

Example: ":MY_VARIABLE".


Examples of Adelia condition >>



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