The Adelia Studio online help file contains two parts:
General help
Contextual help
General help
The general help file is organized in topics (or pages), which are in turn set out in sections.
Hypertext links let you browse intuitively through the various subjects covered by the online help.
To open the general help file, click on the Help menu button in the display window of any Adelia Studio module (e.g. CDM, 4GL Editor, etc.). Then select the General help option.
Contextual help
The contextual help file provides help for individual Adelia dialog boxes. It gives a clear description of each field, button, menu or other element in the dialog box.
To obtain contextual help, click the Help button in the dialog box or press the F1 key.
Where a Help menu is available, select the Help on window option.
The help topics for the various Adelia Language elements can be called up directly from the 4GL Editor's Help menu, by clicking the relevant option.
The same help window is displayed in both cases. With the contextual help, the topic relating to the dialog box is displayed automatically.
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