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The dynamic generation of Adelia Web reports requires a Windows machine. This machine is either a workstation fully dedicated to generating reports, or the Web server itself, provided it is a Windows machine.


The machine assigned with generating Web reports must have the following components:

  • the Adelia Studio runtime
  • the Crystal Reports runtime (version 9 or higher)


The client parts of interactive and batch WADELIA programs are located on the Web server. The configuration file indicates the location of the client machine's middleware configuration file (MwClient.ini).

This file contains the associations between the logical servers used by the different programs, in particular the association for the implicit *WEB_REPORT logical server in WADELIA batch programs.



The physical machine associated with the *WEB_REPORT logical server listens for report generation queries via its middleware daemon. The configuration of the Web reports generation server is based on the MwServer.ini file. This file describes the authorized profiles, and  for each profile, the directory in which the layouts are stored (.RPT files).


Note: For batch WADELIA programs, the installation manager produces an executable file named <ProductName>_RPT.exe for deploying all the .RPT layout files in an application on the Web reports generation server.


The implicit ending of a WA_B program or the processing of the CLOSE instruction effectively calls on the Windows server, dedicated to generating reports, to generate a report - on the fly - in a given format (PDF or other) from the data supplied to it.

This report is run using the layout file of the program located on the machine in one of the directories defining the context associated with the profile that established the middleware connection.


Once generated in the memory, the report is used according to the indications of the WA_B program:

  • either to be printed (*PRINT option of the CLOSE instruction),
  • or to be stored on the web server (*FILE option of the CLOSE instruction),
  • or to be sent to the web browser that initiated the HTTP query.

In the last two cases, the report is returned to the Web server in an IMAGE object via the middleware.


Note: the information collected to generate a Web report is stored in the memory on the Web server.

A considerable amount of memory may be required, inferring the appropriate setup of the JVM (increased memory allocation for the JVM).


See also the Adelia Web report error codes.


Middleware connection

The connection to the Web reports generation server is pooled. The connection pool is a dedicated pool called 'aws_report_pool'.

By default, this pool's configuration is based on the '' configuration file.

To customize the dedicated pool's configuration, you must create a configuration file called '' in the web application's \WEB-INF\classes directory.

The dedicated pool is created with the first connection, and is maintained throughout the web application's lifetime.


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