This dialog box appears when you double-click a non-informed leg connecting an informed relationship with an informed entity or subtype entity, and when these objects are connected by informed legs which have not yet been designed in the current application area.
In this box, you can then associate the non-informed leg with an informed leg which has not yet been designed in the application area. You can also create a new leg by entering its characteristics. The choice of the required action is made by clicking the corresponding radio button.
Displayed data
Leg between
Name of the two objects connected by this leg.
Radio buttons
Associate a non-designed leg
To associate a leg, you must check this radio button, then select the leg to be associated in the list, and click the Associate button.
Create a leg
To create a leg, you must check this radio button, then fill-in the various fields describing the leg.
This radio button is not active unless the user has modification authorities over the relationship.
The cardinality is the main attribute of the link.
Values available:
List of all the informed legs which have not been designed in the application area, between the two objects whose names appear above the list. Each line contains the cardinality and the role of a leg.
Single-selection list.
Data entry
Clear description of the link's function.
Optional entry.
Average cardinality
Average cardinality of the link.
If this field is informed, its value must range between the limits of the selected cardinality.
Optional entry.
Associate/Create (validation)
The Associate button (in associate mode) associates the selected leg with a non-designed leg in the application area.
The Create button (in creation mode) creates a new leg.
Then, the dialog box is closed.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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