To open this page, click the Characters tab in the Interface configurator dialog box of the Adelia Runtime.
This page is used to define the fonts used for programs working with 80 and 132 column screens.
Data entry
Special ANSI characters
The ANSI characters corresponding to the EBCDIC code characters 5B, 7B and 7C can be entered, the latter being used to check for valid IBM names in the screen fields (if the attribute was assigned).
Click here for further details on special characters.
Name and size of the font used in display screens.
Select a font and a size in the list boxes. The font and size selected are associated with a screen type (80 columns or 132 columns).
The "Example" area displays the selected font and size.
Radio buttons
These radio buttons are used to associate a font with a type of screen. The font specified in the "Fonts" field will be associated with the selected screen type: 80 columns or 132 columns.
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
This button validates the modifications made without closing the dialog box.
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