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When an object is selected in the Contents tab of the Create/Modify a folder dialog box, clicking the mouse right button on the object displays the context-sensitive menu containing the corresponding options.


Chapter Object

When a chapter object is selected, the context-sensitive menu contains two options:



This option removes the chapter from the folder contents.

If the chapter contains objects, confirmation is requested. If you confirm, the chapter and the objects it contains are removed.



This option is used to modify a chapter's description, i.e. the title displayed on the final documentation.

Press the Enter key to validate the entry.


File Object

When a file object is selected, the context-sensitive menu contains four options:



This option opens a system dialog box which is used to select the text file from which the text contained in the produced documentation will be extracted.



This option opens the "e" editor on the file.



This option is used to enter the text file's name and path.

Example: C:\DOC\textname.txt

Press the Enter key to validate the entry.



This option removes the file from the folder contents.


Graph Object

When a graph object (CDM, program SSG or program template SSG) is selected, the context-sensitive menu contains two options:



This option opens a dialog box which is used to define the specific parameters used to draw a CDM graph or screen sequencing graph.



This option removes the graph from the folder contents.


Other Object

When another object (other than a chapter, file or graph) is selected, the context-sensitive menu contains one option:



This option removes the object from the file contents.

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