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To create logical properties from conceptual properties, you need to either:


Some logical properties are created at the logical level from conceptual properties (conceptual origin).

This dialog box is used to select conceptual properties from which logical properties will be created for one or several logical entities.



Properties to create

List of conceptual properties selected in the list of available properties.

These properties shall be the origin of the logical properties created (for one or several entities) when the Create button is activated.

They are removed from the list of properties to create by means of the Remove button.

The sequence of the properties in the list can be modified.

Multiple-selection list.


Available properties

List of conceptual properties available for the creation of logical properties.

Use the Add button to add these properties to the list of properties to create.

A filter located above the list can be used to limit the conceptual properties displayed.

Multiple-selection list.




This button adds the selected available properties to the list of properties to create.

Added properties are inserted at the end of the list, and are simultaneously removed from the list of available properties.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of available properties.



This button removes the selected properties from the list of properties to create.

Removed properties shall then be reinserted (in alphabetical order) in the list of available conceptual properties.

This button is not active when the list of properties to create is empty, or when no property is selected in the same list.


Create (validation)

This button creates logical properties for one or several logical entities, from the selected conceptual properties. The dialog box is then closed.

Properties are created according to their sequence in the list, i.e. the sequence in which they were added to the list of properties to create.



This button closes the dialog box without creating any logical property.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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