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The details below are displayed when an "SQL Server database" has been selected in the Database manager list of the Create a database window in the Database management tool.


You need to create two files for the database: the data file and the transaction log file.


You must enter the following details for both the data file and the transaction log file.


Data entry


Database name.

This (alphanumerical) name must be unique within the machine's database catalog.

With Adelia, environment names cannot be longer than eight characters, and the "HST" prefix denotes a "buffer" environment. The environment name must be unique within the Adelia catalog.

Mandatory entry.


File name

Name of the data file or transaction log file.

Enter the full path or click the "..." button to display a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

Mandatory entry.


Note: We recommend creating the database files on one of the machine's local drives.


Size (Mb)

Initial size of the file (in Mb).

Either enter a size directly or use the arrows to scroll to the required value.

Mandatory entry.


Limit size

Maximum size allocated for the file.

Either enter a size directly or use the arrows to scroll to the required value.

This field is active when the relevant box is checked.


Note: In the case of an Adelia environment, we advise against limiting file sizes.


Increments (Mb)

Size of the increments allocated automatically when the file is saturated.

Either enter an increment directly or use the arrows to scroll to the required value.

Mandatory entry.


Note: We recommend setting quite large increments.


Check boxes

Limit size


You can specify a maximum size for the file in the corresponding field (see description above).




These buttons open a Windows system dialog box that lets you select a directory.

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