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To define a specific connection profile for an environment or a buffer, select the Connection option from the context-sensitive menu for environments or for buffers.


This dialog box appears as well automatically when the connection attempt has failed.


Important note: The dialog box presented below corresponds to the use of a DB2 database. If you use an Oracle or SQL Server database, the dialog box will be different; in this case, read the dialog box's on-line help.


The current environment or buffer name is repeated in the title of the dialog box.


Radio buttons

User connected to the system

This option is used to connect to the database, using the Windows system profile for the current user, in certain conditions.

With DB2, you can use the system authentication provided:

    • that you connect to a local environment on the machine,


    • that you connect to a remote environment and that the "CLIENT" value was specified for the "Authentication" parameter of the DB2 server's database manager.

Note: We recommend that you do not use the system authentication for accessing DB2 environments, but rather that you fill in the user profile field. Thus, authentication will be made on the server, provided that the "Authentication" parameter of the DB2 server has the value "SERVER" (default value).


Enter the connection user profile

If the radio button is checked, you can specify a specific profile for the database connection.

In this case, you are now able to enter data in the fields situated below.


Data entry


User profile used when connecting to an environment or buffer.

The specified user profile must be recognizable by the machine on which the database (environment or buffer) resides.



Password for the user specified in the previous file.



Confirmation of the password specified in the previous file.




This button validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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