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To display this page, click the Fonts tab in the Execution parameters dialog box.


This tab lets you define the correspondences between Windows font names (used during the layout design of graphical objects in a Visua/Web program) and Java font names (used when the program is run after being generated in Java).


In general, only TrueType (or OpenType) fonts are supported by Java.

Other fonts (e.g. MS Sans Serif, Courier, etc.) are not supported in Java, and a Java equivalent must therefore be defined for them.


Where a Windows font has no equivalent defined in Java, a default font is used – "Arial".

If "Arial" is not available on a particular platform, an equivalent font must be defined.



Font correspondences

This two-column multiple selection list lets you define the equivalencies between Windows and Java fonts.

The first column lists the Windows font names and the second column contains the names of fonts supported by Java.

You can use the list's context-sensitive menu to add or delete a correspondence marker line.

To change a font, double-click on it then select a new font in the list of available values.

In the Windows column, you can use the keyboard to enter font names directly.


Context-sensitive menu

Add font
Delete font

These two options let you add or delete lines representing the correspondence between Windows and Java fonts.

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