To define the hidden fields of a subfile format for a transaction, just click the Hidden fields button of the Modify a subfile format dialog box.
List of all the logical entities attached to the application area.
When an entity is selected, its variables which are attached to the application area appear in the list of variables. Click here for the rules relative to the attachment of files (logical entities) and of variables (logical properties).
A filter located above the list can be used to limit the files displayed.
Single-selection list.
List of variables of the file selected in the previous list.
In this list, select the variables which will be added as hidden fields in the subfile format.
The list is empty when no file is selected in the list of files.
Extended-selection list.
Hidden fields
List of variables already placed as hidden fields in the subfile format.
Single-selection list.
Check boxes
Display all of the repository's logical entities
Checked |
The tree view of unused fields displays all logical entities of the Adelia repository, irrespective of their attachment to the current application area. |
Unchecked |
The tree view displays only those logical entities attached to the current application area. |
By default: unchecked.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to create a hidden field.
This button adds the variables selected in the list to the list of hidden fields.
It is not active when no variable is selected in the variable list.
Add all
This button adds all the variables of the selected file to the list of hidden fields.
It is not active when no file is selected in the file list.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the characteristics of a hidden field.
It is only active if at least one hidden field is selected in the list.
Modify origin
Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the logical origin of the selected hidden fields.
It is only active if at least one hidden field is selected in the list.
Management rules
This button opens a dialog box which is used to modify the use of management rules assigned to the selected hidden fields.
It is only active if at least one hidden field is selected in the list.
This button deletes the selected hidden field.
It is not active when no hidden field is selected in the list.
Clear the list
This button removes all the hidden fields from the list.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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