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To modify the list of keys of a view, click the Key button of one of the following dialog boxes:




List of all the (file or screen) fields selected as keys for the view.

For each key the following information is displayed:

  • the sequence number of the key,

    the type,

    the length,

    the number of decimals if numerical type.

Note: for IBM logical fields, the "Type" cell will appear empty.


Data entry


Name of the key.

This name must be a valid key name (as defined by IBM), unique for a view.

A left click in the cell activates a list box, proposing the list of variables from the program's data environment; only variables whose definition corresponds to the one in progress feature in the list.

You can also enter a name directly into the cell by clicking in it.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry if the "DDS code" is not entered.


DDS code

DDS code of the key variable.

This code must be a valid DDS code (as defined by IBM), unique for a view.

Left lick to activate input in the cell.

Length: 10 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry if the "Name" is not entered.



Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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