The details below are displayed when an SQL database has been selected in the Data destination list in the data destination selection window of the Data copy tool.
This option is used to copy data into a PC-based SQL base.
Consult the list and select the name or the URL access of the database into which data is to be inserted.
Radio buttons
User connected to the system
The user connects to the destination database without entering a profile or password.
Enter the connection user profile
The user connects to the destination database using the specified profile and password.
Data entry
Connection profile.
Mandatory entry if the "Enter the connection user profile" radio button is checked.
Password associated with the connection profile.
Mandatory entry if the "Enter the connection user profile" radio button is checked.
Owner schema for the tables to be imported.
Optional entry.
Commit interval
Interval between two commit points in the destination base.
This interval is based on an estimation of the size (in Kb) of data inserted into the base.
Entering zero will cause the tool to run in auto commit mode, i.e. every line will be committed.
Default: "1000".
Check boxes
Allow lowercase/uppercase in SQL names
Allows to deactivate the uppercase input control on the schema's name and destination objects' names.
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