This screen will be displayed automatically if the value of the variable you have asked to be evaluated (either by pressing F11 in the Debug a module screen or by entering the HA#EVAL command) exceeds 144 characters in length, or when you have asked the evaluation of a global array.
Function keys
F3 |
Return to previous screen. |
F4 |
Prompt on the "Debug" field. |
F12 |
Return to previous screen. |
F21 |
Enter |
Validate data entry. |
Displayed data
Name of the program being debugged.
Name of the library containing the program being debugged.
Name of the current module.
Data entry
Debug command to be run.
Press F4 to display the list of available commands.
- The debugger only displays the first 8950 characters in a variable. If "..." is shown at the end of the value, this means that its display has been truncated.
- For a global array, the number of items displayed by the debugger will be the minimum value between 500 and (8950 / (size of an element) + 1). If "..." is shown at the end of the value of the last element displayed, this means that its display has been truncated.
- The values in a two-dimensional array are represented by displaying the values in a one-dimensional array with the values of the columns on the first row, then the values of the columns on the second row, and so on.
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