To consult the messages from an AS/400 server, you must either:
Select the Read messages option in the AS/400 window's context-sensitive menu in the job manager.
Double click the icon representing the AS/400 in the AS/400 window.
Validate the software engineer selection in the Select a software engineer to read his messages dialog box.
This dialog box shows any messages sent to the user by the selected AS/400 machine.
It can be closed and subsequently reopened without losing its contents. The dialog box is updated each time it is opened.
The messages are displayed in color:
- lines of text in blue are messages generated by the job manager itself. These messages are not exported via the Save as option.
- lines of text in black are information messages generated by the AS/400.
- lines of text in red are error messages generated by the AS/400.
Message list
List of the messages sent to the user by the AS/400.
Closes the dialog box.
The context-sensitive menu
Updates the message list.
Save as
This option saves the messages to a file. If the file's extension is ".rtf", the messages are saved in RTF format (error messages will appear formatted in red in the resulting file), else they are exported in text format.
Read a software engineer's messages
This option opens a dialog box that lets you select the software engineer for whom any messages received from the AS/400 must be displayed.
This option is only available if Job Manager has been run via a command line, with the All option enabled:
JOBMGR EnvironmentName All
Clears the message list.
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