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To enter the time spent working on a JIRA request:


Data entered

Time spent

Indicate here a length of time spent working on the request. The time spent is expressed in weeks/days/hours/minutes.

This option is only available if the user has the WORK_ISSUE right.


1d 3h 30m - the time spent working on the request is one day, three hours and thirty minutes.


Radio buttons

Estimated time remaining

Automatic update

The system will update the estimated time remaining by subtracting the entered spent time from the current time estimate.

Leave unchanged

The system will not take into account the entered time spent and, therefore, the estimated time remaining will not be recalculated.


Activates an entry field allowing the user to specify a new estimated time remaining, irrespective of the current estimate.



Allows to enter a comment about the progress of the JIRA request.

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