To enter the time spent working on a JIRA request:
choose the Time spent option of the context-sensitive menu of the JIRA repository in 4GL editor, or
choose the Time spent option of the Progress menu in the dialog box used to modify a JIRA request.
Data entered
Time spent
Indicate here a length of time spent working on the request. The time spent is expressed in weeks/days/hours/minutes.
This option is only available if the user has the WORK_ISSUE right.
1d 3h 30m - the time spent working on the request is one day, three hours and thirty minutes.
Radio buttons
Estimated time remaining
Automatic update |
The system will update the estimated time remaining by subtracting the entered spent time from the current time estimate. |
Leave unchanged |
The system will not take into account the entered time spent and, therefore, the estimated time remaining will not be recalculated. |
Modify |
Activates an entry field allowing the user to specify a new estimated time remaining, irrespective of the current estimate. |
Allows to enter a comment about the progress of the JIRA request.
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