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Client/Server configuration


The two basic stages involve:
  1. Configuring the servers.
  2. Configuring the client.


Important: We recommend maximizing the help window (full screen mode) in order to follow the various steps in the example more easily.
Hypertext links let you access the help topics in the corresponding dialog boxes. However, we recommend that you first run through the various phases in the example without clicking on the hypertext links, so that you will have a clearer idea of the sequence of steps that must be followed when defining the Client/Server configuration.


The diagram below is an example showing how a machine is put into production.


User PAUL wants to use the sales management program SALESMG.EXE on his portable.

This client program uses two logical servers:

  • CENTRAL (associated suffix: NT),

  • REGION (associated suffix: AS).

The server blocks associated with the logical server CENTRAL were compiled on the NT machine and the DLL file SALESMG.DLL is now in the C:\VA directory.

The server blocks associated with the logical server REGION were compiled on the AS/400 and the program SALESMGAS is now in the VALIB library.


The data files on the AS/400 are in the PRODUCLIB library.

The database chosen for NT is a DB2 database called PRODUCT .


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