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To export information from the Profiler log file, select the Export option from the File menu.


This dialog box enables you to select the elements from the log file that you want to export to a text file (.txt).


Check boxes

Execution tree: programs

Box checked

The program tree will be included in the export.


Execution tree: global

Box checked

The global tree will be included in the export.


Program totals

Box checked

The program list will be included in the export.


Program details

Box checked

The details of program blocks will be included in the export.


Calling/called programs

Box checked

The Calling/called and Called/calling relationships will be included in the export.



Box checked

The blocks and services selected from the list will be included in the export.




Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select the export file and its location.



Closes the dialog box without starting the export.

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