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This function retrieves the structure of the output parameter (if any) returned by the function which is called by the Execute function. The output parameter can be either a variable or an array. With arrays, each element in the array can itself be an array. A variable can be seen as an array containing only one element.

To obtain the number of elements in the main array, the index must be set to –1.

The first element in the array is located at index 0.



  • Windows client,

  • Windows server.





Index of the element in the main array of which the number of elements is to be retrieved
(-1 for the main array)

Input parameter



Number of elements for the given index
(1 if not an array)

Output parameter



Return code for the operation

Possible values:


The operation was completed successfully. 


An unspecified error occurred.


The type returned by the function is not a variant or variant array.


The function returned no parameters.


The value of Index is incorrect.


The DLL has not been initialized.

Output parameter




NUM_BIN_4 NbElements

NUM_BIN_4 ReturnCode


/* Assuming that function 'FctScript' returns an array ReturnArr with six elements; the structure is the following :

/* ReturnArr(0) = 2 variable

/* ReturnArr(1) = {'String1' ; 'String2' ; 456} array with 3 elements

/* ReturnArr(2) = {3,14 ; 2,718} array with 2 elements

/* ReturnArr(3) = CInt(5)

/* ReturnArr(4) = CDate("1966/07/12")

/* ReturnArr(5) = CDate("19:07:12")

/* Retrieve the size of the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' –1 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 6

/* Retrieve the size of the first element in the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' 0 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 1

/* Retrieve the size of the second element in the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' 1 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 3

/* Retrieve the size of the third element in the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' 2 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 2


/* Assuming function 'FctScript' returns a variable:

/* Retrieve the size of the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' –1 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 1

/* Retrieve the size of the first element in the main array

CALL_DLL 'VaToCom' 'GetParameterSize' 0 NbElements ReturnCode

/* NbElements equals 1



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