The documentation created with this editor only requires knowledge of the OFFICE/VISION 400 product; see the corresponding IBM manual for more details.
This method allows you to enter your documentation in the form of documents.
For every interactive layout, you can create a general help for all screen images but also a field-level help for every data item in the layout. A document is also linked to every report layout and to every standard data item in the data dictionary.
For field-level help in interactive layouts, you can also refer to the documentation based on information in the data dictionary.
During execution
The cursor location in the screen image determines the help to be displayed.
If no help was specified for a field, the general layout help will be displayed.
When printing the user folder
All screen images and output reports are printed, together with their associated general help.
The field-level help text is not printed.
Advantages of this approach
Field-level help can be defined for every layout field. Documentation written for the data dictionary can also be used.
Use of the OFFICE/VISION 400 capabilities (Display, search index, etc.).
Possible disadvantages
No help for transactions, only for the layout.
IBM OFFICE/VISION 400 must be available at the development site (not mandatory when running the program at the operation site).
More resources are necessary than for the first method.
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