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Fields are inserted into a Crystal Reports report as follows:


If you are using a version of Crystal Reports earlier than version 9:

  • Either using the Database menu in the Crystal Reports Designer:


If you are using version 9 or higher of Crystal Reports:

  • Using the Database menu in the Crystal Reports Designer via the Database Expert.

Warning: if the guide word of a logical property is modified, the references made to this property from the Crystal Reports reports will be lost. You will have to place the new one manually because the old one will have disappeared as it will not be in the entity description file anymore.


You can, however, delete an interface file assigned to Crystal Reports using the Remove from Report option in the Database menu.


Note: When a report is open and fields have already been inserted, the system will check that the fields described in the text file match those already placed in the report. If necessary, the types will then be updated.

The layout field referring to descriptions that were removed from the file will be automatically deleted in the layout.



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