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To open this page, use the Install a local repository button in the Source code repository tab in the Editor options dialog box, or run the "syncsetup.exe" command directly as shown below.

The source code repository is installed as a Windows service by default. There is a service per source code repository for each configured environment. It is however possible to install it manually on a non-Windows file server using the procedure documented in the appendix.

There are several installation modes:

  • Installation by user
    In this mode, each user works with their own source code repository installed on their development machine. The service is configured to start up on a random port and not accept remote connection. It can be configured directly from the 4GL editor (Install a local repository option in the "Source code repository" tab in editor options), or via the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS>" command. The service can be deleted from the 4GL editor (Uninstall service option in the "Source code repository" tab of the editor options), or via the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -remove" command. 

  • Shared installation
    In this mode, the service is installed manually with a fixed port on a server, and the environment is configured with an HTTP access URL. It is configured using the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -shared" command.
    The source code repository can also be started up in the command line on a non-Windows system, or on a machine which does not have Adelia Studio installed. See the manually configuring a source code repository procedure.
    All the environment users share the same source tree view. If the environment is a member of an Adelia version manager and it can receive correction validations from another environment, it is the recommended installation mode if we want the correction validation to automatically create a commit in the source control manager source (Git, SVN). The service is deleted via the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -remove" command.

  • Multi-environment installation
    Multi-environment installation mode is a shared installation mode enabling several environments to be managed in a single source code repository service. The following restrictions apply:
    • All the environments must be of the same type (same database manager).
    • A service cannot manage two databases with the same name but located on different servers.
    • All the environments must have the same configuration (Adelia fr/en language, EBCDIC characters).

In this case, the source tree view is different as the files are placed in a sub-directory corresponding to the environment schema (SYSADEL by default), which is itself in a directory with the database name.

The multi-environment installation is created in two stages:

    • Service creation (syncsetup -service <port> where port is the service port).
    • Environment registration (syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -service <port>).

An environment is deregistered using the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -remove -service <port>" command.
The service is deleted with the "syncsetup -service <port> -remove" command.

Note that the source code repository is not fully compatible with SQL Server in multi-environment mode. SQL Server cannot be used to specify a default schema in the service configuration. This means that a connection profile with an identical default schema to the environment schema needs to be specified (SYSADEL in an environment using the default schema). This issue does not arise in simple mode as it is unique and specified in the configuration. If this is not the case, an error will be reported during installation. Similarly, an error will occur when connecting to the source repository if the user profile is subsequently altered and if the schema no longer matches.

Note that the connection profile may be a dedicated SQL Server profile that does not need to be associated with an Adelia software engineer.

NB: the uninstall command deletes the Windows service but does not destroy the data in the Adelia source repository or associated source code repository, if applicable.

The "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -export [-service <port>]" command can also be used to force the global export of the environment data.

Source code repository installation wizard

General options

These are service installation options. In the general case of a user installation, it is advisable to use the current user account as the service connection account.

Information for connecting to the environment (JDBC URL, database connection profile) is pre-initialised with values from system cataloging. However, it might need to be changed:

  • the configuration tool can only generate a correct URL if cataloging is carried out per URL or if the environment is local. In other cases, it may be necessary to complete the URL with the database server parameters (host name and port).
  • not all JDBC drivers support connection without an explicit profile/explicit. If the profile is not specified in the Adelia catalog, it may be necessary to manually specify a user account.

Radio buttons

User connected to the system

If this option is selected, the service will be configured to connect to the environment without specifying a profile/password (Windows authentication).

NB: this option is not necessarily supported by all JDBC drivers.


If this option is selected, the service will be configured to connect to the environment with the specified profile.

Connect with local system account

If this option is selected, the service will be started up with the local system account. For security reasons, it is preferable to use a user account.

NB: before configuring a remote Git repository in this mode, you should consult the Configuring and using a GIT with the system account procedure provided in the appendix.

User account

If this option is selected, the service will be started up with the specified profile.

Combo boxes


When installing a multi-environment service, this field is used to specify the DBMS type (DB2, Oracle, etc.) accepted by the service. This option can be deduced from the selection of JDBC drivers if you use the standard drivers.

Check boxes

Synchronize source code repository automatically

Used to enable the automatic repository synchronization option in the environment.

Checked by default.

Data entry

Synchronization directory

The synchronization directory is the folder to which the environment data will be exported. The wizard proposes an appropriate directory by default.

An export directory produced by the source import and export tool can be used. In this case, simply specify the existing export root.


JDBC URL for connecting to the environment. The wizard tries to generate a URL from the Adelia catalog information. It may be necessary to update it.

JDBC drivers

JDBC drivers for connecting to the environment.

Mandatory information.


Profile for connecting to the environment. Pre-filled with information from the Adelia catalog.


User's password for connecting to the environment.


Confirm password. The wizard will check that this value is identical to the password value.

User account

Service connection profile. We recommend using the current user account profile.


User's password for connecting to the service.


Confirm password. The wizard will check that this value is identical to the password value.

Connection port

Remote connection port. This port must be open in the firewall. The environment will be automatically configured to access the repository by an "https://hostname.domain:port"-type URL.

This option is only available in the case of a shared installation.

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Source control tool configuration options

This section is used to directly configure a Git or SVN-type source control tool. This configuration is optional and can be performed at a later date. However, in this case, you must restart the service in order for the source control manager to be detected.

These options are not available if the destination directory already contains data. In this case, only the service will be created.

A multi-environment installation enables a source version manager (Git or SVN) which is shared among all the environments to be defined. If the source version manager is configured when creating the service, its configuration will be shared by all the environments and it will not be possible to configure a manager specific to each environment.

This method should not be used with an Adelia version manager (each version manager environment must be associated with its own branch in the source version manager). We therefore recommend choosing the "Uninitialized" option when creating the service, then choosing the appropriate option (for example "Create a Git repository") each time an environment is added to the service. 

Radio buttons


The wizard will create the repository by exporting the current environment data.

Create a Git repository

The wizard will create the repository by exporting the current environment data and will initialize a Git repository.

Clone an existing Git repository

The wizard will clone the specified Git repository The current environment data will not be automatically exported in this case.

Extract data from an existing SVN repository

The wizard will extract the data from the specified SVN repository. The data will not be automatically exported in this case.

Data entry


Repository URL. The URL format varies according to the repository type and connection mode.


Using an "ssh://" URL to clone a Git repository is supported. However, the SSH keys used must be previously installed in the service connection user account.

Please see the GIT configuration and use with the system account procedure provided in the appendix.

This information is only available in the case of a Git repository clone or extraction from an SVN repository.


Profile for connecting to remote source control manager, if applicable.

This information is only available in the case of a Git repository clone or extraction from an SVN repository.


Password for connecting to the remote source control manager, if applicable.

This information is only available in the case of a Git repository clone or extraction from an SVN repository.


Branch to activate.

This option is only available in the case of a Git repository clone.

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