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A keyboard shortcut (accelerator key) is a combination of keys which gives direct access to a menu option from the keyboard, without having to go through the menu first.


Adelia Studio uses keyboard shortcuts which comply with CUA (Common User Access) recommendations for Windows applications:

  • The Enter key is the validation key. In dialog boxes, it plays the same part as the validation button (Enter / Create / Modify).

  • The Esc key is the escape key. In dialog boxes, it plays the same part as the Cancel button.

  • The Alt+F4 key combination is used to quit the current module. It is equivalent to the Exit menu option.

  • The Del key starts the request for deleting the selected objects. It has the same result as the Delete menu option.

  • The Alt+Backspace key combination results in canceling the last modification made on graphical objects. It corresponds to the Cancel modify option of the Edit menu.

  • The F1 key is used to get help on the application itself, or on a menu option, or on the behavior and the function of a dialog box. In the last case, it is equivalent to the activation of the Help button.

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