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To modify the use of management rules assigned to a logical entity, you must either:

  • Click the Management rules button of the Modify the logical entities dialog box (Screen or Report layout manager).

  • Select the Rules used option from the context-sensitive menu of a logical entity, from the Work with logical entities dialog box in the Visual Adelia Layout manager or from a web page in the 4GL Editor.


This dialog box displays the IE and VE -class management rules assigned to the entity.



Management rules

List of all the management rules complying with the conditions listed above and below:

    • If the dialog box is called from the Screen layout manager, only the management rules whose the source type is ADELIA are displayed.

    • If the dialog box is called from the Report layout manager, the source type of the displayed management rules depends on the type of the program being processed in the layout:

      • Report corresponding to an ADELIA batch program: management rules whose the source type is ADELIA.
      • Report corresponding to a VADELIA batch program: management rules whose the source type is VISUAL.
    • If the dialog box is called from the Visual Adelia Layout manager, only the management rules whose source type is VISUAL are displayed.

    • If the dialog box is called from an Adelia Web program, only the management rules whose source type is WEB are displayed.

For each rule, the name and the description are specified.

In the first column, if a management rule is used, it is "checked" and appears in red.

By default, all the listed management rules are used. Just click the management rules which will not be used: thus, they are "unchecked" and are dimmed in the list.



Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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