To display or modify the characteristics of a variable of a report, double-click the corresponding variable in the work space of the Report layout manager.
Displayed data
Location of the first character of the variable.
Format of the line on which the variable is located.
Data entry
Name of the variable.
This name must be a valid variable name (as defined by IBM).
If the variable was placed from the album, this field is directly generated from the database.
If this field is not filled-in, the short name is retained here by the system when the dialog box is validated.
This field is protected when the variable is a system variable (time, date, page number, program name, etc.).
Description clearly identifying the variable.
Length: 50 characters maximum.
If the variable was placed from the album, this field is directly generated from the database.
This field is protected when the variable is a system variable (time, date, page number, program name, etc.).
Short name
Short name of the variable.
This name must be a valid short name (as defined by IBM).
Length: 10 characters maximum.
If the variable was placed from the album, this field is directly generated by the database.
This field is protected when the variable is a system variable (time, date, page number, program name, etc.).
Mandatory entry.
Length of the variable.
If the variable was placed from the album, this field is directly generated from the database.
A numeric variable can have 63 digits maximum.
An alphanumeric variable can have a maximum length which will fit entirely in the report (131 or 197 characters, depending on the type of report).
This field is protected when the variable is a system variable (time, date, page number, program name, etc.).
Mandatory entry.
For alphanumeric variables: this field is empty and protected.
For numeric variables: this field can contain a digit from 0 to 63.
This field is protected when the variable is a system variable (time, date, page number, program name, etc.).
Edit word
This field is used to specify the display and edition formats of the variable, in the form of a "word".
This field can only be accessed for numeric variables.
An edit word cannot be entered if an edit code was selected.
Click here for more details on edit words.
Field conditioning
An indicator code conditioning the edition of the variable can be entered here. This code must range from 01 to 99, and correspond to an indicator which is not already used in the program.
The color of the variable can be selected in the list box.
Characters per inch
Values available: "10" or "15".
Edit code
This field is used to specify a code corresponding to a display and edition format of the variable. These codes are available in the list box.
If the edit code is "Y" (date), the length of the field must range between 3 to 7 characters. The variable must entirely fit the report, while taking into account the edit code or the edit word.
An edit code cannot be selected if an edit word was specified.
Click here for more details on edit codes.
Logical origin
Entity name
Name and description of the origin logical entity.
Property name
Name and description of the origin logical property.
Check boxes
This is the only attribute which can be assigned to a variable in a report.
Check this box to underline the variable on the execution of the program.
If this box is checked, a field is displayed to enter, if required, a conditioning indicator.
Define logical origin
Modify logical origin
This button opens a dialog box which is used to modify the logical origin of a variable.
Cut logical origin
This button cuts the link existing between the current variable and the Logical Data Model (LDM). The variable then becomes a user-defined variable.
If this button is activated, then the Logical origin and Management rules buttons are deactivated.
Management rules
This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the use of management rules.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the values of a variable.
Other parameters
This button opens a dialog box which is used to display, create or modify the other parameters.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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