To display or modify the formats of the album, choose the Formats option from the Album menu of the Screen layout manager.
This dialog box is used to select formats coming from other transactions or other programs, and to fill in the private album of the transaction being designed.
This album will be used for placing formats on the screen, by means of the Place - Formats option from the Edit menu of the Screen layout manager.
List of the programs attached to the application area.
When a program is selected, its formats appear in the format list; they are preceded by the number of the transaction for which they are defined.
A filter located above the list can be used to limit the programs displayed.
Single-selection list.
List of the formats selected in the previous list (except the formats of the transaction being designed).
Select in this list the formats to be placed in the transaction album.
Extended-selection list.
List of the formats already stored in the transaction album.
Extended-selection list.
This button adds the formats selected in the list of formats to the transaction album.
It is not active when no format is selected in the list of formats.
Add all
This button adds all the formats of the selected program to the transaction album.
It is not active when no format is selected in the list of formats.
This button deletes the formats selected in the album list.
It is not active when no format is selected in the album list.
Clear the album
This button clears the album.
It is not active when the album is empty.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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