This function is used to retrieve the parameter values from a JetStream consumer.
Windows client
Windows server
Java client
Java server
Adelia Web Client
Adelia Cloud client
Event Adelia client
| Handle | Connection ID |
ALPHA | Stream | Stream name |
| Consumer | Consumer’s name |
ALPHA | Key | Name of the parameter to be retrieved. The possible values are as follows:
description |
Consumer description |
deliverPolicy |
Delivery policy (all, last, new, by_start_sequence, by_start_time, last_per_subject) |
ackPolicy |
Acknowledgment policy (none, all, explicit) |
replayPolicy |
Replay policy (original, instant) |
durable |
Durable name |
deliverSubject |
Delivery subject |
Delivery group |
sampleFrequency |
Sample frequency (string) |
startTime |
Start date in the form of an ISO timestamp with time zone (e.g. 2007-12-03T10:15Z or 2007-12-03T11:15+01:00) |
ackWait |
Acknowledgment wait time in milliseconds (0 by default) |
idleHeartbeat |
Idle message wait time in milliseconds (0 by default) |
maxExpires |
Maximum expiration time in milliseconds for a "pull" request (0 by default) |
inactiveThreshold |
Wait time in milliseconds before the consumer is considered inactive (0 by default) |
startSequence |
Consumer start sequence number (0 by default) |
maxDeliver |
Max number of messages delivered to the consumer (0 by default) |
rateLimit |
Rate limit in bits per second (0 by default) |
maxAckPending |
Maximum number of pending acknowledgments (0 by default) |
maxPullWaiting |
Maximum number of pending pulls (0 by default) |
maxBatch |
Maximum size of a batch for a pull request (0 by default) |
maxBytes |
Maximum data size (in bytes) for a pull request (0 by default) |
numReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas (0 by default) |
flowControl |
Enables flow control and defines the idle heartbeat time (0 by default). |
headersOnly |
Transmits message headers only. Boolean. By default: false. |
memStorage |
Forces the storage of the consumer's state in memory instead of inheriting the stream configuration. Boolean. By default: false. |
backoff |
List of times in the form of a list of integer numbers separated by commas. Overloads the ackWait parameter. You can retrieve the list size with the backoff[?] key and a discrete value with backoff[index]. |
metadata |
Consumer metadata You can retrieve the number of elements with the metadata[?] key and a metadata['key'] metadata value. |
filterSubjects |
List of subjects to filter in the consumer. You can retrieve the list size with the filterSubjects[?] key and a discrete value with filterSubjects[index]. |
| Value | Parameter value. Output parameter. |
NUM_BIN_4 | ValueLgth | Value variable size. |
| Rc | Function return code. The possible values are provided in NatsLastError function documentation. Output parameter. |
ALPHA(128) Param
ALPHA(128) Buffer
NUM_BIN_4 NumberSubjects
/* lists the subjects filtered by the consumer
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsQueryConsumer' Handle 'ORDERS' 'Orders' 'filterSubjects[?]' Buffer 128 Rc
NumberSubjects = &ALPHA_TO_NUM(Buffer)
I = 1
DO_WHILE i <= NumberSubjects
Param = 'filterSubjects[' /// &NUM_TO_ALPHA(I) /// ']'
CALL_DLL 'NatsToolBx' 'NatsQueryConsumer' Handle 'ORDERS' 'Orders' Param Buffer 128 Rc
I = I + 1
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