Adelia Print Engine
You can now use the Visual Studio Code editor to edit your APE templates. We have developed a specific extension in APE language (Atom editor replaced with the "language-freemarker" package).
In addition to tag syntax highlighting, this extension includes access to the contextual help on APE language, auto-complete on APE tags and their attributes, auto-complete on data model variables, as well as the use of snippets.
Adelia Build
- A template has been added for building an Adelia Java Server application.
- A template has been added for building an Adelia Windows Client application.
- A template has been added for building an Adelia Windows Server application.
Visual language
- The VaToolBxAMQPSyncPublish, VaToolBxAMQPPublish, VaToolBxAMQPCreateQueue and VaToolBxAMQPCreateExchange functions used to send data to a message broker supporting the AMQP protocol are now available for Windows and AS/400 platforms.
- Addition of the VaToolBxAMQPReleaseBroker function for Windows and AS/400 platforms.
- CONV_DATA: numeric values written in scientific notation are taken into account when converting JSON to XML.
- CALL: The use of *DYN_PARAM and *MODE_CTRLPARAM parameters is now available in Windows, Java, Web and Cloud client and Windows and Java server.
- Adelia classes:
- Cell-for-cell assignment in the case of a REF_CLASS-type array variable (e.g.: t1RefClass(1) = t2RefClass(1) )
- A class can be instantiated directly in a REF_CLASS type array cell (e.g.: tRefClass(1) = NEW MYCLASS() )
Adelia Cloud
- The Adelia VFS now supports storage using the Amazon S3 protocol.
- Static Text, Output Field, Input Field objects: The VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT property has been added to manage the vertical alignment of the text.
Miscellaneous improvements
- Database management utility (DBTool):
- In batch mode, this utility is now also available in Java.
- It is now possible to filter errors on the SQLSTATE code via the GrantedSQLStates parameter.
- Data copying utility (CopyB) : In batch mode, this utility is now also available in Java.
- Source export/import: The export/import can be filtered according to the attachment of objects to a specific build component.
- 4GL Editor: Auto-complete includes the program's public procedure names for the CALL MONPGM.XXXX instruction.
- Source comparison function: HTML page source supported for WADELIA programs, layouts (transactions and reports) for ADELIA programs and Adelia reports for VADELIA programs (window layouts are already supported).
- Data type: A filter has been added to the data type tab. In addition, in the conceptual properties and logical properties definition screens, the combo box used to choose a data type enables the user to specify a filter for limiting the type of data displayed.
Decentralized translation tool and Tool used for constant validation and comment import: Exports and imports are no longer carried out using Excel client COM APIs but via XlsxToolBx DLL APIs. You can now export and import from a machine without MS Office installed.
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