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To view the CDM and/or LDM object comparison parameters, either:


This dialog box lets you select the associated objects that will be included in the comparison if you select the Compare lists of associated objects option in the Selecting objects for individual comparison, Selecting elements for global comparison or Customising the source presentation window dialog boxes.


Check boxes

Assigned management rules


The lists of management rules assigned to the objects will be included in the comparison and will be visible in the individual comparison results box.


Associated application areas


The lists of application areas associated with the objects will be included in the comparison and will be visible in the individual comparison results box.


Associated logical servers


The lists of logical servers associated with the logical entities will be included in the comparison and will be visible in the individual comparison results box.


Attached relationships


The lists of relationships attached to the conceptual entities will be included in the comparison and will be visible in the individual comparison results box.


Assign to an entity


The name of the conceptual entity in which the conceptual property is assigned will be included in the comparison and will be visible in the individual comparison results box.


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