- column
- text_color
- font
- background_color
- border
- name
- visibility
- width
- horizontal_adjustment
- text
- list
- tooltip_header_text
- tooltip_note
- key_state
- sort_indicator
- tooltip_display
- tooltip_header_active
- header_alignment
- header_font
- image_location
- internal_filter_value
- automatic_width
- cbb_type
- current_value
- filter
- auto_sort
- representation
- set_column_number
- action_sort
- get_column_number
- alignment
- unchecked_value
- value
- read_only
- checked_value
- tooltip_text
- reverse_image
- input_control
- edit_code
- edit_word
- padding
- margin
- vertical_alignment
- inner_html
- progress_indicator_color
- progress_bar_background_color
- progress_bar_height
The properties may be applicable either to a specific element or to all the elements associated with the object.
Defines the alignment used when displaying text inside the object.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
Left alignment |
Centered alignment |
Right alignment |
Conditions for use |
If the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_CHECK_BOX_REPRESENTATION", then ALIGNMENT will mandatorily be set to "_COL_ALIGN_CENTER" if the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION", then ALIGNMENT will mandatorily be set to "_COL_ALIGN_LEFT". |
Default value |
Specifies whether the list is automatically sorted alphabetically whenever a list element is added or modified.
The column must be a combo box that does not allow data to be input.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Default value |
When a combo box's AUTO_SORT property is set to *TRUE:
- the INSERT_ELT instruction ignores any position indicators. Elements are always inserted in ascending alphabetical order.
- The CHANGE_ELT instruction always inserts in ascending alphabetical order.
- When the user types in the beginning of an element, the list automatically scrolls down to the first element that starts with the entered letters.
- This property is not supported with Java generation.
Automatically adapts the column's width to the longest character string among all the values and text in the column's header.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Default value |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation nor in Mobile generation.
RGB color in which the object's background is displayed.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
"system" color. |
"black" color. |
"blue" color. |
"cyan" color. |
"green" color. |
"magenta" color. |
"red" color. |
"white" color. |
"yellow" color. |
"dark blue" color. |
"dark cyan" color. |
"dark green" color. |
"purple" color. |
"dark red" color. |
"dark yellow" color. |
"grey" color. |
"dark grey" color. |
This value can only be used if the DIFFERENTIATE_EVEN_ODD property of the associated LIST object has the value *TRUE. In this case, the value lets you take into account the value of the EVEN_LINE_BACK_COL property (or ODD_LINE_BACK_COL) when manipulating (adding or changing) a given element in the object. |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to a specific element in the object). |
Default value |
Draws a frame around the cell. This frame is displayed between the cell fill and margin (see MARGIN, FILL properties) and is the color defined for the grid.
Adelia Type |
Accessibility: |
Layout design mode |
No |
Run mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants: |
None |
Conditions of use |
None |
Default value |
Note: this property is only processed by Adelia Cloud.
Defines the type of list of values for the elements of a column with a combo box representation.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
The display field of the list of values is modifiable. |
The display field of the list of values is not modifiable. |
Conditions for use |
Only defined when the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION". |
Default value |
Value associated with the current element of a column with a check box representation, when this element is checked.
Adelia type |
Defined when designing layout. |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Only defined when the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_CHECK_BOX_REPRESENTATION". |
Default value |
Default value corresponding to the Adelia type. |
Value associated with the current element of the list of values for a column with a combo box representation.
Adelia type |
Type of the VALUE property |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Only defined when the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION". |
Default value |
Default value corresponding to the Adelia type. |
Specifies the format used to display the object's value.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants | |
No edit code. |
No text displayed for the *LOVAL value. |
A (x.xxx,xxCR) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
B (x.xxx,xxCR) and "blank" for zero |
C (xxxx,xxCR) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
D (xxxx,xxCR) and "blank" for zero |
J (x.xxx,xx-) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
K (x.xxx,xx-) and "blank" for zero |
L (xxxx,xx-) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
M (xxxx,xx-) and "blank" for zero |
N (-x.xxx,xx) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
O (-x.xxx,xx) and "blank" for zero |
P (-xxxx,xx) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
Q (-xxxx,xx) and "blank" for zero |
Y (xx/xx/xx) |
Z (xxxxxx) |
1 (x.xxx,xx) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
2 (x.xxx,xx) and "blank" for zero |
3 (xxxx,xx) and 0 or 0.00 for zero |
4 (xxxx,xx) and "blank" for zero |
Timestamp: Hides microseconds |
Hides microseconds, no text displayed for the *LOVAL value. |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object) |
Default value |
Click here for more details on edit codes.
Specifies the format used to display the object's value.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(60) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object). |
Conditions for use |
None |
Click here for more details on edit words.
Allows a filter to be displayed in the column.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
there is no filter in the column, |
the filter in the column will be managed in automatic mode, |
the filter in the column will be managed in manual mode. |
The filter on the column will be managed automatically. It will only be enabled when the list is fully loaded. |
Conditions for use |
Default value |
Character font used to display the text in the object.
The string format contains the name, size, style and script, in that order. A semi-colon must be inserted between each element.
If you set a property's value, you MUST specify the name and size.
The different styles are specified using the following values:
- 1: Normal (no special style)
- 2: Strikethrough
- 16: Italics
- 256: Bold
- 4096: Underlined
The style value to be specified in the string can either be one of the above values or else the sum of values other than 1.
The different script values are as follows:
0 |
Occidental (ANSI) |
1 |
Default value (current value for the process) |
2 |
Symbol |
128 |
Japanese (Shift JIS) |
129 |
Hangul Korean |
130 |
Johab Korean |
134 |
Simplified chinese GB2312 |
136 |
Traditional chinese (Big 5) |
161 |
Greek |
162 |
Turkish |
163 |
Vietnamese |
177 |
Hebrew |
178 |
Arab |
186 |
Baltic |
204 |
Cyrillic |
222 |
Thai |
238 |
Central Europe |
255 |
Adelia type |
ALPHA(250) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
MS Sans Serif;8;1;0. |
Note: The size, style and script must be compatible with the chosen font. The Windows system font selection dialog box, accessible via the graphical object's Properties pages, provides a guide for selecting coherent values.
Defines the alignment of the object's header.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
Left alignment |
Centered alignment |
Right alignment |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented by the Java generator.
Character font used to display the object's header.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
MS Sans Serif;8;1;1 |
Note: This property is not implemented by the Java generator.
Defines how the graphical control is adjusted when the window is resized horizontally.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
The control is expanded width-wise. |
No horizontal adjustment is applied to the control. |
Conditions for use |
This property applies when the COMBO object can be expanded, i.e. when the window's ADJUSTMENT property is not equal to _WIN_ADJUST_NONE and when the HORIZONTAL_ADJUSTMENT property of the COMBO object is equal to _CCB_ADJUST_EXPAND_WIDTH, or wen the COMBO object is in a split bar and its ACTION_MOVE_LEFT_SIDE or ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT_SIDE is equal to _CCB_EXPAND. On execution, its value is taken into account prior to window initialization and when the window's ADJUSTMENT property is modified. During adjustment, the object's VISIBILITY property must be True. If not, the control is not adjusted. The modification is only taken into account if the window's ADJUSTMENT property is _WIN_ADJUST_NONE. Otherwise it is ignored. |
Default value |
_COL_ADJUST_EXPAND_WIDTH for Entry field and Combo box column types. _COL_ADJUST_NONE otherwise. |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation nor in Mobile generation.
Determines the image's location in the column: top-left justified, centered or stretched to fill the full width of the cell.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
Image justified in the top-left of the cell. |
Image centered in the cell. |
Image stretched to occupy the complete area of the cell. |
The image is stretched across the entire surface of the cell, preserving the proportions of the image. Bands may appear on the sides, depending on the aspect ratio of the image. |
The image is stretched across the entire surface of the cell, preserving the proportions of the image. Bands may not be drawn on the sides, depending on the aspect ratio of the image.
Conditions for use |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented by the Java generator.
This property is only used if the representation is "_COL_ENTRY_FIELD_REPRESENTATION" type. It specifies HTML text displayed in place of the value.
When this property is set, the display behaves as if the representation were "_COL_HTML_REPRESENTATION". However, all list processing (sort, edit, filter) is based not on the displayed value but on the VALUE property. In particular, you must manage the column's "ChangeValue" event if you want to update the HTML representation after editing the column in the list.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(1024) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | None |
Conditions for use |
Default value |
NB: this property is only taken into account by Adelia Cloud.
Defines the filter used when entering characters.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants | |
No input control. |
Date characters only; the separators are mandatory, |
Date characters only; the separators are optional, |
Time characters only; the separators are mandatory, |
Time characters only; the separators are optional, |
All characters (upper case letters of the alphabet) plus figures. |
all characters (lower case letters of the alphabet) plus figures. |
Signed decimal numbers. |
Signed fractional numbers. |
Upper case letters of the alphabet. |
Upper case letters of the alphabet plus figures. |
Letters forming a valid IBM name. |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object). |
Default value |
Restores the internal value of the last filter selected by the user or indicated when calling up the TRIGGER_FILTER_ACTION method.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(250) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Allows you to know whether the "SHIFT", "CTRL" or "ALT" keys were pressed down while a click-type event had been triggered.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants | |
No key pressed. |
ALT key pressed. |
CTRL key pressed. |
SHIFT key pressed. |
CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed. |
CTRL and ALT keys pressed. |
CTRL, SHIFT and ALT keys pressed. |
SHIFT and ALT keys pressed. |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
List of elements associated with a column with a combo box representation.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Only defined when the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION". |
Default value |
List empty |
Defines a margin around the cell. This margin is the same color as the line background. The value must comply with the format of the CSS 'padding' property. For example the '2px 5px' value applies a vertical margin of 2 pixels and a horizontal margin of 5 pixels between the cell container and border.
Adelia Type |
ALPHA(50) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Run mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions of use |
None |
Default value |
Note: this property is only processed by Adelia Cloud.
Static name of the object.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(128). |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Prefix of the basic object |
Static name of the object.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(128). |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Prefix of the basic object |
Defines a margin between the cell frame and its content. This margin is the same color as the cell background. The value must comply with the format of the CSS 'padding' property. For example, the '2px 5px' value applies a vertical padding of 2 pixels and a horizontal padding of 5 pixels between the cell border and its content.
Adelia Type |
ALPHA(50) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions of use |
None |
Default value |
Note: this property is only processed by Adelia Cloud.
RGB color in which the background of the progress bar is displayed.
Each colour has a red, green and blue component within the range [0 ; 255]. The value of the resulting colour is calculated as follows: Colour = B*65536 + G*256 + R.
Certain values are predefined using the constants below.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
"system" color. |
"black" color. |
"blue" color. |
"cyan" color. |
"green" color. |
"magenta" color. |
"red" color. |
"white" color. |
"yellow" color. |
"dark blue" color. |
"dark cyan" color. |
"dark green" color. |
"purple" color. |
"dark red" color. |
"dark yellow" color. |
"grey" color. |
"dark grey" color. |
Conditions for use |
The REPRESENTATION property must be set to _COL_PROGRESS_BAR_REPRESENTATION. The property is applicable to a specific element in the object. |
Default value |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation.
RGB color in which the progress bar's is displayed.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
"system" color. |
"black" color. |
"blue" color. |
"cyan" color. |
"green" color. |
"magenta" color. |
"red" color. |
"white" color. |
"yellow" color. |
"dark blue" color. |
"dark cyan" color. |
"dark green" color. |
"purple" color. |
"dark red" color. |
"dark yellow" color. |
"grey" color. |
"dark grey" color. |
Conditions for use |
The REPRESENTATION property must be set to _COL_PROGRESS_BAR_REPRESENTATION. The property is applicable to a specific element in the object. |
Default value |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation.
Height of the progress bar in pixels.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
The REPRESENTATION property must be set to _COL_PROGRESS_BAR_REPRESENTATION. The property is applicable to a specific element in the object. |
Default value |
10 |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation.
RGB color in which the progress indicator is displayed.
Each colour has a red, green and blue component within the range [0 ; 255]. The value of the resulting colour is calculated as follows: Colour = B*65536 + G*256 + R.
Certain values are predefined using the constants below.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
"system" color. |
"black" color. |
"blue" color. |
"cyan" color. |
"green" color. |
"magenta" color. |
"red" color. |
"white" color. |
"yellow" color. |
"dark blue" color. |
"dark cyan" color. |
"dark green" color. |
"purple" color. |
"dark red" color. |
"dark yellow" color. |
"grey" color. |
"dark grey" color. |
Conditions for use |
The REPRESENTATION property must be set to _COL_PROGRESS_BAR_REPRESENTATION. The property is applicable to a specific element in the object. |
Default value |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation.
Prevents the keyboard being used to enter text in the object.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
none (property applicable to a specific element in the object). |
Default value |
Defines the graphical representation for a column's elements.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
Each element in the column will take the form of an entry field. |
Each element in the column will take the form of a check box. |
Each element in the column will take the form of an image. In this case the VALUE property is a NUM_BIN_4 (long binary) property representing the number of the image in the List object's image list. (Cf. the ADD_IMAGE method for the List object.) |
Each element will take the form of a combo box. |
The graphical representation of all the column elements is an HTML text field. In this case, the VALUE property is alphanumeric and the text may contain a fragment of html code with formatting tags. The value may be rendered over several lines. This representation is only supported by Adelia Cloud. |
The graphical representation of each element in the column is a progress bar. |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Notes on HTML representation:
- It is recommended that only simple formatting tags are used to avoid making list rendering too cumbersome.
- The height of a line containing HTML code cannot be calculated. This means that, by default, the line height is always calculated to display a line of text according to the cell fonts. You must explicitly set the LINE_HEIGHT property value in order to display several lines of text.
If the displayed value is from an external source (i.e. if it is not the program that generates the html tags itself), this could potentially constitute a security breach (XSS injection). In this case, the program is responsible for sanitizing the html code by deleting any potentially dangerous content. You can use the VaToolBxJavaSanitize function for simple requirements.
Note: The _COL_HTML_REPRESENTATION and _COL_PROGRESS_BAR_REPRESENTATION representations are not implemented in Java generation.
Allows text color to be displayed in reverse, by swapping the text and background colors.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to a specific element in the object). |
Default value |
This property indicates whether or not the sorting can be made on a column, and in the first case, allows display of an indicator in the header showing the sorting sense. The indicator is displayed only if the property SORT_ON_HEADER in the list is worth _LST_SORT_INDICATOR.
This property is updated when the user sorts the column automatically (see ACTION_SORT property).
Note: indicating an ascending or descending order does not cause the list to be sorted.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
Sorting is allowed on column. |
Sorting is allowed on column, and a top-orientated arrow is drawn in the header if the list enables it. |
Sorting is allowed on column, and a bottom-orientated arrow is drawn in the header if the list enables it. |
Sorting is not allowed on column. |
Sorting is allowed on column only when the list is fully loaded. |
Sorting is allowed on column only when the list is fully loaded, and a top-orientated arrow is drawn in the header if the list is complete and enables it. |
Sorting is allowed on column only when the list is fully loaded, and a bottom-orientated arrow is drawn in the header if the list is complete and enables it. |
Conditions for use |
The list must enable sorting on header. |
Default value |
Note: this property is not implemented in Java generation nor in Mobile generation.
Column heading used in the object.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(250) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object). |
Default value |
Column |
RGB color in which the text within the object is displayed.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants | |
"system" color. |
"black" color. |
"blue" color. |
"cyan" color. |
"green" color. |
"magenta" color. |
"red" color. |
"white" color. |
"yellow" color. |
"dark blue" color. |
"dark cyan" color. |
"dark green" color. |
"purple" color. |
"dark red" color. |
"dark yellow" color. |
"grey" color. |
"dark grey" color. |
This value can only be used if the DIFFERENTIATE_EVEN_ODD property of the associated LIST object has the value *TRUE. In this case, the value lets you take into account the value of the EVEN_LINE_TXT_COL property (or ODD_LINE_TXT_COL) when manipulating (adding or changing) a given element in the object. |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to a specific element in the object). |
Default value |
Authorizes tooltips to be displayed for the object's elements.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
No tooltips are displayed for the cells. |
Allows tooltips to be displayed on object elements for which the TOOLTIP_TEXT property has been specified. |
Systematically displays tooltips for the object's elements. If the value of the TOOLTIP_TEXT property of the current element is equal to *BLANK, the tooltip text corresponds to the cell's text. |
Conditions for use |
The LIST object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must be equal to _LST_TLTP_DISPLAY_ALLOWED. |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Authorizes tooltips to be displayed on the header.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
The LIST object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must be equal to _LST_TLTP_DISPLAY_ALLOWED. |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Header tooltip text.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(250) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
The object's TOOLTIP_HEADER_ACTIVE property must be equal to *TRUE and the LIST object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must be equal to _LST_TLTP_DISPLAY_ALLOWED. |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Text of the note attached to the object's current element.
If the value of the property is not equal to *BLANK, a small red square is drawn in the top right corner of the element to indicate the presence of an information note.
The note is displayed via a tooltip when the mouse cursor is moved over the red square.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(1024). |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
The LIST object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must not be equal to _LST_TLTP_DISPLAY_NEVER. |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Text of the tooltip for the object's current element.
Adelia type |
ALPHA(250) |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
The object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must not be equal to _COL_TLTP_NEVER and the LIST object's TOOLTIP_DISPLAY property must be equal to _LST_TLTP_DISPLAY_ALLOWED. |
Default value |
Note: This property is not implemented in Java and Mobile generation.
Value associated with the current element of a column with a check box representation, when this element is "unchecked".
Adelia type |
Defined when designing layout. |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
Only defined when the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_CHECK_BOX_REPRESENTATION". |
Default value |
Default value corresponding to the Adelia type. |
Associated value of the current element in the object.
Adelia type |
Defined when designing layout. |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
No |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None |
Default value |
Default value corresponding to Adelia type. |
Determines the vertical alignment of data displayed in the cell.
Adelia Type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
The cell content has a default alignment. |
The content is aligned at the top of the cell. |
The content is vertically centered in the cell. |
The content is aligned at the bottom of the cell. |
Conditions of use |
The REPRESENTATION property must be different from _COL_IMAGE_REPRESENTATION. |
Default value |
Visibility of the object.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object). |
Default value |
Width value of the object.
Adelia type |
Accessibility |
Layout design mode |
Read/Write |
Execution mode |
Read/Write |
Associated constants |
None |
Conditions for use |
None (property applicable to all elements in the object). |
Default value |
75. |
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