To build the current program from its program template (provided the latter contains at least one Q/A instruction), click the Enter button of the Restart the guided building of a program dialog box.
Warning: This dialog box is only displayed if the program template contains at least one Q/A instruction such as %QUESTION, %MESSAGE or %CREATE_PGM.
This dialog box is used to answer the various questions found in the program template source. The answers are later used in the building process as parameters to select the options corresponding to the Question/Answer instructions inserted in the program template 4GL.
Displayed data
This field contains the question found in the program template's 4GL source.
When the box is opened, this field contains either:
the first question found in the program template,
or the question corresponding to the point where guided building was interrupted by the previous request, provided the Try to restart box was checked in the previous dialog box.
It then displays the subsequent questions.
This field may also contain text describing the current process (message or program creation).
Data entry
Answer to be entered according to the question asked.
The answer may be:
the guide word of a data environment variable,
the guide word of a view,
the guide word of a control break,
the name of a file belonging to the file glossary,
the name of a logical entity,
an Adelia instruction,
the guide word of a program from the program glossary,
the name of a macro-instruction,
a transaction number,
yes or no (presence of two radio buttons: Yes and No),
an error message,
a management rule,
empty ("**" type question).
This dialog box contains four button panels. These buttons open the various functions used to enhance the Q/A building process.
The More options button successively displays all the button panels.
Enter (validation)
This button validates the answer so that the program building goes on.
This button interrupts the guided program building and closes the dialog box. The Stop building the program dialog box is displayed.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
More options
This button displays the next button panel.
Click below for further information about:
the first button panel,
the second button panel,
the third button panel,
the fourth button panel.
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