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To specify the relevant options before retrieving the translations of the chosen environment's constants, click the Dictionary button in the Retrieve dictionary or message translations dialog box.


This dialog box lets you specify the libraries containing the original and translated constant files, as well as the language and translation mode.

Each constant to be translated is identified individually, ignoring any associations with other constants.


Data entry

Reference library

Name of the library in which the H2CSTO file containing the source language constants is located.

Mandatory field.


Language library

Name of the library containing the H2CSTTR file with the constants translated into the selected language.

Mandatory field.



List of languages defined for the target environment in the translation manager.

Consult the list and select the language into which the constants are to be translated.

Default setting: the last language used by the translation manager.

Mandatory field.

Note: The words "Not migrated" will be shown in the list, to the right of the language name, if the translation manager data has not been upgraded to the current version for the selected language. The affected language cannot be processed if this happens. Ask your administrator to perform the upgrade procedure.


Radio buttons

Add mode

Only constants not already translated into the chosen language are submitted for translation.


Add/Modify mode

All the constants are submitted for translation. Any existing translation for a particular constant is replaced by the translation retrieved from the AS/400.




Validates the retrieval options, runs the process and displays the retrieval report.



Closes the dialog box without validating the retrieval request and exits the application.


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