Warning: This topic does not affect the C generator.
When generating/compiling your model, F18 gives access to additional options. Ask for the cursor management location.
*LINE_NO and *COLUMN_NO are the reserved words associated with the line and column numbers (formerly @NULIG and @NUCOL).
The CSRLOC keyword is generated in the DSPF. Consequently:
If you set *LINE_NO to zero (*LINE_NO = 0), the cursor positioning instructions take over control of the cursor (POS_CURSOR, repositioning due to ERROR, ANOMALY, etc.).
If it is not set to zero, the values contained in *LINE_NO and *COLUMN_NO determine the cursor position.
To insure correct cursor positioning in case error messages are displayed, it is recommended to set *LINE_NO to zero at the beginning of the VERIFICATION block.
*LINE_NO is set to 0 (*LINE_NO = 0) before displaying a new transaction; see also the *INLIG reserved word.
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