This bar, located under the menu bar, gives a direct access to some options for formatting fields, and to utilities.
Some icons can only be accessed if the corresponding options are active: for example, the attribute icons can only be used if one or several fields are selected.
When an icon cannot be used, it is dimmed: clicking this item will have no effect.
The items of the tool bar are the following:
Choice of field colors (accessible when one or more fields are selected):
Choice of field attributes (accessible when one or more fields are selected):
Used to set the selected fields in Reverse Image mode. |
Used to set the selected fields in High Intensity mode. |
Used to underline the selected fields. |
Used to insert a column separator between the selected fields. |
Used to make the selected fields blink. |
Used to make the selected fields invisible (or "Non Display"). |
- Choice of field mode (accessible when one or more variables are selected):
Used to set the selected variables in Input mode. |
Used to set the selected variables in Output mode. |
Used to set the selected variables in Input/Output mode. |
- Standardizing (accessible when one or more fields are selected):
Used to reset the selected fields to the default standards
- Test: displays the screen as it will appear on the AS/400:
- Choice of field justification (accessible only when several fields are selected):
Left alignment. |
Centered alignment. |
Right alignment. |
- "Constant/User-defined Variable" creation mode: when you click this button, it switches from "Constant" to "Variable", or from "Variable" to "Constant":
Constant. |
Variable. |
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