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To search for a character string in a document and optionally replace it by another string, choose one of the Search options from the Edit menu of the Document Editor.


Data entry

Character string to be searched for.


Replace with

Character string replacing the string searched for.


Check boxes

Upper case/lower case


The search process distinguishes upper case and lower case characters.

Not checked

The search process makes no distinction between upper case and lower case characters.



The search process is applied from the cursor to the beginning of the text.



The search process is applied from the cursor to the end of the text, then resumes at the beginning of the text back to the cursor.


Radio buttons

The radio buttons must only be checked if the "Replace with" field contains a string.


Only once

The replacement is applied to the first string found, then the search process is interrupted.


All with confirmation

Each time a matching string is found, the search process stops so that the user can choose whether to replace it or not. The search is then resumed. This continues until the whole text has been scanned.


All without confirmation

Each matching string found is automatically replaced until the end of the text is reached.




This button starts searching using the criteria selected via the check boxes.



This button starts searching and replacing using the criteria specified via the check boxes and radio buttons.

This button is only active if the "Replace with" field contains a character string and if the user has modification authorities on the document.



This button closes the dialog box without searching or replacing.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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