This is the description of the data available in the parameter file supplied to a "Before Validation" EXIT program.
Non-modifiable sections
Program EXIT type.
Name of the correction environment from which the correction validation was run.
Name of the environment receiving the validated objects.
Type of environment receiving the validated objects.
If the receiving environment is an associated correction environment, this section specifies the name of the validation correction that will hold the objects received during the validation procedure.
List of corrections for validation used in the validation.
List of objects that can be validated, i.e. that the system will attempt to receive.
List of objects excluded from the validation procedure by the validation analysis (objects currently being modified in the correction environment, non-receivable objects, etc.).
List of objects that could be validated but were not confirmed by the user running the validation procedure. These objects are excluded from the validation procedure.
Modifiable sections
Information that will be included in the parameter file for the next EXIT program.
This enables the management of global data when the correction validation's EXIT programs are run in the receiving environment.
This information is reset for the "Before Validation" EXIT program.
Parameter read back when the system returns after calling the EXIT program, to determine whether processing (i.e. the validation or reception of an object) can continue, requires confirmation or must be stopped.
Parameter read back when the system returns after calling the EXIT program. This parameter is added to the validation report.
Parameter read back when the system returns after calling the EXIT program, if the RETURN_CODE parameter corresponds to a confirmation request. This parameter is displayed as the message requesting confirmation before continuing the validation process.
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