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Servlet purpose

The Middleware servlet is to the Web server what the Middleware daemon is to the Adelia application server (on Windows or AS/400).

As the diagram below shows, it lets the system receive an HTTP query from an Adelia client and relay it to the Adelia server via TCP.



A key benefit of this solution is the ability to use the HTTPS protocol, which is identical to HTTP except that a secured layer is used to transmit the data.

This can be useful in situations where the Adelia server belongs to a private application area and the Adelia client is located "outside" this network. With this approach, a secure HTTPS connection is set up between the Adelia client and the Web server, which is the only machine accessible from outside the application area.



The Middleware servlet must be run in the servlet engine used to establish the link between the servlet and the Web server.

You need to install the servlet com.hardis.middleware.MwServlet in the servlet engine:

  • Place the file Adeljrt.jar in the CLASSPATH variable.


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