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This section is used to address the script files that enable data to be inserted into a database.

*ALL addresses the script that enables the population of a new database.

v.w is the insertion script run when the database is migrated from version v.w.

This section is mandatory, unless the information is defined at [Data/<DBMS>] level.


*ALL = sample_data_gen.dat

1.0 = sample_10_11_gen.dat

1,1 = sample_10_11_gen.dat









yes *

Name of the script that includes the database source data. It is only played during the creation of a database or tables in an existing database.




Name of SQL script containing the requests to delete data from a database. This script is only run when deleting tables from a database.

<Version N°>


yes * **

Name of the script that includes data inserted when updating the version <Version N°>. (1)

* If not defined in the [Data/<DBMS>] section.
** In the case of version management.

(1) See the topic Working with Database Versions.

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