To view a list of the files in the glossary, display the fields for these files, or else display or modify the characteristics of a file in the glossary, you must either:
Select the File glossary option from the PDM menu in the LDM/PDM window:
Click on the Glossary button in the Create/Modify a control break dialog box.
Data entry
Character string used as a filter to limit the number of glossary files displayed.
Glossary files
List of the files in the glossary, arranged in alphabetical order, with the name, type and description of each.
Single selection list.
Opens a dialog box showing the fields in the selected file.
You can also access this dialog box by double-clicking on an item in the list.
This button is only active if a field has been selected from the list.
Opens a dialog box that lets you display or modify the characteristics of the selected file.
This button is only active if a field has been selected from the list.
Closes the dialog box.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
Print list
Prints a list of the files in the glossary.
The name, type and description of each file will be printed.
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