To enter the field-level help attached to a personalized graphical object or layout, you must either:
Click on the Field-level help button in the Secondary tab in the Create/Modify a personalized graphical object dialog box.
Select the Work with help option in the context-sensitive menu associated with a simple layout, a layout with tabs, or a graphical object, in the Visual Adelia layout manager.
Field-level help is entered using the Help Editor.
The Help Editor tool bar
Displays a Windows system dialog box which is used to select a help file (*.RTF) to be opened. |
Saves the active help file. |
Displays a Windows system dialog box which is used to save the active help file under a new name. |
List of the character fonts which can be applied to the text selected in the window. |
List of the sizes corresponding to the character font selected in the adjoining list, and which can be applied to the text selected in the window. | |
Used to set the selected text to bold characters. | |
Used to set the selected text to italic characters. | |
Used to set the selected text to underlined characters. | |
Used to left justify the selected text. | |
Used to center the selected text. | |
Used to right justify the selected text. | |
Displays the palette of Windows system colors used to select a color to be applied to the selected text. |
Menus and options in the Help Editor
The Help Editor contains three menus:
the File menu,
the Edit menu,
the Options menu.
FILE menu
Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select the file (*.RTF) whose contents will be pre loaded into the Help Editor.
This option saves any modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: F2.
Save as
Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you assign a name to your help document and save it as an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
This option opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you configure the print setup for the active document then print it.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+I.
This option closes the Help Editor. If any modifications have been made to the file being edited, a message will appear, offering to save these changes before closing the file.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.
EDIT menu
This option cancels the most recent modification.
This option deletes the selected text from the file and copies it to the clipboard. You will be able to replace the text later using the Paste option.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+X.
This option copies the selected text to the clipboard, without deleting it. You will be able to replace the text later using the Paste option.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C.
This option inserts the text stored in the clipboard at the cursor's current position.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V.
Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you search the file for a given character string.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F.
Continue search
This option is used to resume an interrupted search for a character string, as defined using the option Search or Replace.
Keyboard shortcut: F3.
Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you search the file for a given character string and replace it with another character string.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+H.
Opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you select the attributes associated with the character font used.
Opens the Windows system palette that lets you set the text color.
Hide tool bar
This option is used to show or hide the tool bar.
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