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This page presents an environment's version attributes.

Version of the generated applications

Data entry


Application provider name.

This information is generated in a program's version information.

This parameter is used for public programs, or for programs private to an application area, if the value is not defined for the concerned application area.

Application name

Application name. This information is generated in a program's version information.

This parameter is used for public programs, or for programs private to an application area, if the value is not defined for the concerned application area.

Application AS/400 name.

Application short name (no more than 7 characters).

This information is generated in an AS/400 program's version information.

This parameter is used for public programs, or for programs private to an application area, if the value is not defined for the concerned application area.

Application provider name.

This information is generated in a program's version information.

This parameter is used for public programs, or for programs private to an application area, if the value is not defined for the concerned application area.


Application version number. This information is generated in a program's version information.

The version, modification and patch numbers must be between 0 and 999.

The build number must be between 0 and 65535.

These parameters are used for public programs, or for programs private to an application area, if the value is not defined for the concerned application area.

They are also used to initialize the a new program's version number if the Initialize the version field for new programs box is checked.


Check boxes

Initialize version field for new programs


A new program's "Version" field is initialized with the application version number.

Value by default: checked.

Automatically generate program build number


The generator automatically increments a program's build number after each generation.

Value by default: checked.



This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to its previous state.


This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to the state it had when the environment was created.

Note: A click on the icon situated on the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box closes the box (keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4). If modifications were made, a confirmation screen appears.

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