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The EXEC_SQL instruction is used to execute requests entered directly in SQL language.


Warning: Adelia does not check the request's SQL syntax.


Once EXEC_SQL has been used to execute a request, you can test the SQL return code using the *SQLCODE reserved word.


Important note:

The names of the tables and columns specified in the request must match the real definition in the database, not the Adelia definition.


Where a request applies to a PC database, you should remember to qualify tables by their diagram.

On the other hand, where a request applies to an AS/400 database, no qualification is required.

To solve this problem of qualification, you can use the double dollar sign "$$." to qualify the tables.


If host variables are used in the request, you must use the variable's Adelia guide word preceded by a colon " : ".


The fields in any tables used in the request are not included in the data environment. Therefore, they cannot be used in the program, except when used in an Adelia SQL instruction.

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