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This function is ignored:

  • in Adelia Cloud generation,
  • in ACRPE print mode.





This function is used to add a file or series of files to the attached files list.



FileMask (I)

Specifies the file or file mask to be inserted into the list of files to attach to the message.


Count (O)


FileMask = 'c:\tmp\toto.pdf'

The file "c:\tmp\toto.pdf" will be added to the list of files attached to the e-mail message, provided the file exists when the function is called.

Count = 1 is returned if the file exists, Count = 0 if not.

FileMask = 'c:\tmp\t*.pdf'

All files on the disk that match the mask "c:\tmp\t*.pdf" are added to the message's attached file list. Count returns the number of files added to the list.

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