This function allows, in case of previewing an Adelia report in PDF format, to supersede certain attributes of the produced PDF document.
Adelia Cloud client
Event Adelia client
ALPHA (n) |
Attributes |
String containing names and values of the attributes to supersede. Syntax of the string: 'AttributeName1:"value1",AttributeName2:"value2",...' No spaces. Case-sensitive. Possible values for attributes:
Example 1:
CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxCloudSetSupersededAdeliaPrinterPdfAttributes' 'Title:"Summary", Author:"Adelia Studio", CanPrint:"no", ProtectionPolicy:"no"''
This function call supersedes the Title, Author, CanPrint and ProtectionPolicy attributes: the PDF document will have a title and an author. It cannot be printed but its content can be modified.
The attributes which are not specified will be set to their default value.
Example 2:
CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxCloudSetSupersededAdeliaPrinterPdfAttributes' *BLANK
This function call resets all the superseded attributes to their default value.
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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