This function allows to encode the value of an URL parameter (escape special characters and spaces).
This function escapes all characters except letters of the Latin alphabet and the following digits and characters: - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ).
Java client
Adelia Web client
Adelia Cloud client
- Event Adelia client
Java server
ALPHA(n) |
Parameter |
Value or the URL parameter |
ALPHA(n) |
Encoding |
URL encoding If set to *BLANK, it assumes the UTF-8 encoding. For use with Adelia Cloud and the VaToolBxOpenURL function, use the encoding by default, i. e. UTF-8. |
ALPHA(n) |
EncParameter |
Encoded parameter. |
ValueLgth |
Length of the Parameter variable. |
ReturnCode |
Operation return code: 0: Operation completed successfully. -1: encoding error. -2: the provided variable is too small for storing the result. |
For example
Parameter |
= '<Karine Béranger>' |
Enc |
- UTF-8 |
* result:
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxJavaEncodeURLComponent' Parameter Enc EncParameter 256 ReturnCode
URL = '' /// EncParameter
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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