Important: This function only concerns Adelia reports.
This function is used to force (or not force) the saving of the unicode encoding of the print file for the RAW mode for a given printer number.
By default, a print file encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16 is converted into Ascii before being processed by the printer.
Windows client,
Adelia Cloud client,
Event Adelia client.
PrinterNum |
Number of the printer (from 1 to 9). |
Permanent |
Indicates whether the new parameter is taken into account for the session '*FALSE) or permanently (*TRUE) (the configuration file is therefore changed). |
RawUnicode |
*TRUE forces the saving of the unicode encoding. |
ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation: *TRUE if the operation was successful. *FALSE if the operation failed. |
BOOL RetCode
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxSetAdeliaPrinterRawUnicode' 1 *FALSE *TRUE RetCode
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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