This function is used to set a new language in the server part for translatable error messages and constants in SADELIA programs.
Windows server.
Java server.
ALPHA(2) |
LanguageCode |
Language identifier (ISO 639 code). |
ALPHA(2) |
CountryCode |
Country identifier (ISO 3166 code). |
ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation: *TRUE if the operation was completed successfully. *FALSE if it was not. |
Note: when executed on a Java platform, the locale is always set. When executed on a Windows platform, an LCID is determined according to the language code and country code. If it exists, it is set.
CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxSetServerLanguage' 'en' 'US' MyBoolReturnCode
- Sets the locale en_US in the Java server part
- Sets the LCID English - United States 0x0409
CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxSetServerLanguage' 'it' 'FR' MyBoolReturnCode
- Sets the locale it_FR in the Java server part
- Does not set anything as no corresponding LCID (ReturnCode = *FALSE)
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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