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To work with the classes in the current application area, select the Classes option in the 4GL Editor's Repository menu.

The dialog box is automatically opened on the CLA tab.

Note: You can minimize the dialog box by double-clicking on the title bar, which will leave only the title bar visible.

Data entry


Character string used as a filter to limit the number of programs displayed.



Displays only classes whose names begin with "SEL".


Displays only classes whose names contain the string "ART".


Displays only the class with this name.



List of classes matching the name criterion. For each class, the name and designation are shown.

Extended-selection list.

Clicking on one of the column headers sorts the list, depending on the corresponding column, into ascending or descending order.

Note: In the case of a correction environment, a check mark may precede the name of each class.

- A red check mark indicates that the class is held by the default correction.

- A black check mark indicates that the class is held by a correction other than the default correction.

Context-sensitive menus

"Name" field

Contains the list of default filters and the four most recent filters set.

Default filter settings:

[ ]

No class.


All classes.

List of classes

Note: if a source code repository is configured for the environment or for the current user, the list is enriched with a graphic indication of the synchronization state, and the menu shows additional options.

Click here for more information about integrating the source code repository.


When only one class has been selected,this option is used to insert its name into the source in the active document, at the cursor's current position.

This option is only active if a class has been selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box that lets you copy the selected classes.

This option is only active if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box that lets you create a class.


Opens a dialog box that lets you view or modify the characteristics of the selected classes.

This option is only active if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a message box, asking you to confirm that you want to effectively delete the selected classes.

Once this option has been validated, the class list will be updated.

This option is only active if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box that lets you select classes in the repository and attach them to the current application area, or else detach classes that have already been attached.

Individual comparison

Opens the Individual comparison dialog box for each selected class.

This box allows you to compare the source of the selected class with the source of another class (from either the same or a different environment).

Global comparison

Opens the Global comparison dialog box, which is used to run a comparison of the sources of a list of objects between the current environment and another.

The list of objects to be compared is initialized with the selected classes.

Open source

Opens a separate window for each class selected: each window contains the source of the classes selected.

This option is only active if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box enabling the selected classes to be held by the default correction.

This option is only visible in correction environments. It is only active if one or more classes are selected in the list and the user has a default correction.

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