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Warning: This section only applies to "ADELIA" programs generated in C.


When the C generator for Adelia programs is installed for a development or an operating workstation, the Adelia Studio folder contains the C generator's utilities.



The Iseries runtime utilities are accessible via the application launcher provided with the runtime.


Up to and including Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008, they are also accessible via the Adelia Iseries Runtime subfolder of the Adelia Studio folder in the Start menu.


As of Windows 7/Windows Server 2008, they are also accessible via  the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia Studio icon or with the runtime application launcher icon in the task bar.


On a development platform, these options are accessible via the toolbar of the Adelia Studio window.



    • By default, Windows only displays 10 icons in the task list. To display all the available shortcuts, and in particular if you wish to display the Adelia iSeries runtime shortcuts, you must increase this value (Task bar Properties > Start menu > Customize... > Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists). Specify a value of at least 20 to display all the shortcuts.
    • The Adelia iSeries Runtime options are not displayed by default in the application launcher, in the toolbar of the Adelia Studio window nor in the taks list. To display them, you have to create, in the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hardis\Adelia/IWS" of the Windows 32bits registry, a "ShowIWSShortcuts" name value, type=DWORD, value="1" .

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